Monday, February 3, 2014

3rd - 29 Faces

Didn't make it yesterday cause I couldn't finish the face on time. So here it is as the 3rd face instead.
I found the photo just surfing the net and I really liked the style. I kind of like fashion sketches where there is not a lot of details. As I compare my drawing with the photo, I can see a lot of areas that need improving. Hair for one ... I don't know how to let go and just let it flow.
But here it is the 3rd (well 2nd for me) of 29 faces.


  1. Somehow, I must have missed this one. Reminds me of fashion design sketches, but much more detailed. very elegant

    1. Thanks Vicki. Yes, exactly the look that I was trying to go for but still over worked it.

  2. There are so many great things happening here - the fabric folds (a source of perpetual struggle for me), the shoulders, the shading on the next and chest. She has great eyes, too.

    I know exactly what you mean about wanting to "let go." We'll get there, right? :)
