Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Day Late - Design Class Day 2 and T-Day!

A bit late for Elizabeth's T for Tuesday but I thought I am still going to join and visit the rest of the gang. I like how diverse the group is in what everyone is doing. AND I really need the push for some discipline. Sorry I don't have my drink to share.
I mentioned that I started a pattern design class Monday. Yesterday's exercise was to discover shapes and drawing them. I spent a lot of time looking at everyone's work and started out really late last night. Finally got something put together this morning and posted it at the FB group. I think one of the reasons I kept looking at others work instead of doing my own is because I don't have a habit of sketching. I have never had any drawing classes. I've only read books and tutorials online to try to learn and this exercise is making me very uncomfortable. The other difficult thing was deciding what to draw/sketch. So going through my photos and picking something took quite a while. That was a stupid way to waste a lot of time. Another thing I have a hard time doing is simplify. I had to really concentrate and kept remembering the word "simplify" when I was sketching.  This is what I posted.
Oh and speaking of having problems deciding what to draw/sketch ... I am also taking the Introduction to Computational Arts: Visual Arts at Not sure why the fancy name since the material itself is just a beginner's Photoshop (and Gimp) class. Since I already know some of the PS features it's been a pretty easy (therefore fun) class until this last assignment. All the assignment said was to create something with images and text and use all the features that were taught. Oh and use your own photos. So with that wide open, I spent most of the time looking through my stash of photos and deciding what to do vs doing it! This is what I submitted. The subject line is lame but it met the assignment's criteria.
I like the last week's assignment much better. It was a lot more fun putting it together. I made a couple of versions.

But this is the one I submitted.
Well I better get going to see what Day 3's exercise and of course to go visit all the fine ladies at T for Tuesday.


  1. Nice that you joined in whatever the time Myriam.
    Drawing intimidates me a great deal as I have no training and have spent too many years saying I cannot draw (if only I had realized the power of words years and years ago!)...
    Your sketches look great and inspire me!
    Sweet little poppet frolicking along the forest floor in your PS pics ...
    PS always intrigues me :)

    1. Thanks Patty. Maybe I'll see some drawing and sketches at your place next time I visit.
      Yeah those software are pretty powerful and it's amazing what people create. I love seeing them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Your sketches are awesome, looks like great exercises. Love the last photo :)
    Glad you made it for T day, no matter what day you actually arrive :)

  4. I'm glad YOU were late, because I just got home not long ago. So we both were late this week. I've owned PS since 2000, but I still don't do anything with it. Had to get it when a client needed me to use it, but I immediately forgot everything the client needed it for once I put that job to rest. Now I just play around in it, but have never created any layers. Such a powerful program and I let it go to waste. But I download ALL my photos and scans to it, so I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    To be honest, I loved the "Flow" one you created. I thought it was a lot of fun. Maybe not YOUR favorite, but I sure liked it. Thanks for sharing during T this week.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I guess just like most things, if you don't use it you loose it.

  5. Perhaps I should have done that course, too. It looked a bit intimidating for me, but of course it would be easy for you. Best thing when drawing is to try to relax and don't have expectations of how it will look. Even for me, if I have a finished idea in mind, when it's done I'm always disappointed. It's best to just go with the flow

    1. I think using the software to manipulate the design will be the easy part for me since I've already know the basics for it. But the hard part is the creative side. I am still trying to remember to relax and go with the flow. THAT is SO hard for me.
      This is really only the 3rd day of real material. If the classroom is not closed after the start date, I am sure it's not too late to join if you are interested.

  6. Hello and Happy T Day a little late is better then not at all, glad you came by!! The drawing you did is wonderful, flowers are one of the best things to sketch. I have taken plenty of classes and waste time looking at everyone's sketches and art that mine doesn't get done. The first rule they say is to sketch everyday, even just 10mts a day is good. I can see you will do just fine in the drawing area!!
    The second one is funny!
    The last ones were pretty, I have yet to get PS but love what it does to pictures.
    Good luck in your classes and keep sharing with us.

    1. Thanks Dawn. It's interesting and a relieve to know I am not the only one who does too much looking and not enough doing. : ) I am going to try harder to sketch everyday.

  7. You might have been late but I'm later with a comment :-) I think you sketch really well. I have never had sketching classes either but it is my favorite form of making art. Speaking of which, I should get that sketchbook out.


    1. Thanks for visiting. It's never too late for a visit.
