Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Pattern Collection

It's been a while since I posted but that doesn't mean that I have dropped off the edge of the earth. I am still creating patterns and also taking a few more classes on pattern designs.
But first let me raise my glass to Elizabeth and her T Stands for Tuesday gang.
Icy Cherry
We had some cherries that were not tasting so sweet fresh, so I pitted them all and threw them into the freezer thinking that we could use it with ice cream. But I found this really simple recipe for an icy on the web. I made the simple syrup (one part water to one part sugar) with some lime zest and lime juice. My daughter blended the frozen cherries with ice and added the syrup to taste. We don't like drinks too sweet so we didn't add the full recommended amount. It was SUPER good. This recipe actually worked quite well with peaches and I am sure it will work just as well with other fruits.
Now going back to the classes ... the first one was part of the Make It In Design Module 1 class that I took a few months ago. This is a free Summer School that's 6 weeks long with 3 design briefs. I didn't submit to all of the design briefs because some of them I just simply couldn't come up with anything that I thought will be different or unique. So I winded up just looking at what everyone was doing. Of course now that I thought about it, I should have just turned the computer off and just do my own thing first.
The other was a free 3 days live broadcast class with Bonnie Christine called Design Surface Patterns From Scratch  put out by Creativelive. While the class was being broadcast live, it was free or you could buy it at a discount. You can purchase it right now. It is an incredible value for the price they charged for that class. Bonnie Christine is such a great designer and teacher. Check her out at her site called goinghometoroost. She showed not just her process but a lot of Adobe Illustrator techniques as well. I really can't say enough about how wonderful she was and somehow her process just clicked. At the end of the class she challenged all the students to create a 6 pattern collection for a chance to win a whole lot of prices. Also she had started a blog tour for any student who wants to join in the fun of showing their pattern designs. A few of us raised our hands after this initial blog tour list came out but she will be adding us to the tour and mine is October 28th. So keep an eye out for that.
Here's the inspiration board and the collection I did for the Design Surface Patterns From Scratch class. Most of the images are my own but a few were from the web. The pattern collection image may not show all the details for each pattern. But after reading about how some designers got their designs stolen and people are selling them as their own, I guess I should post only low resolution version. I am not sure if I will use this exact version for the blog tour, or tweak it or use a whole new collection. We'll see ...
Inspiration Board

Pattern Collection - My Sanctuary
Ok off to visit the T-gang!


  1. Your frozen cherry treat looks and sounds fabulous and how nice you can control the sweetness...so many store bought things are overly sweet in my opinion.
    Peach does sound really good too...endless possibilities
    Happy T Day

  2. Welcome back Myriam. So glad you were able to join us. I've missed you.

    Your cherry drink looks wonderful, and the mint (at least I think it's mint) looks so fresh and inviting.

    I adore those seamless patterns. My favorite has to be the birds, so I hope you keep it for the tour. Of course, the one at the top is my second favorite. Heck, I like them all (grin).

    Thank you for sharing your drink, these patterns, and catching us up on what you've been doing since we last visited this T Tuesday.

  3. Cherries are my favorite and if it was just a month or so ago, I would be so making this! I'll have to remember next summer when it is hot and cherries are abundant! I don't like things very sweet either--I make my own applesauce this time of year and put very little sugar. Happy T Day! I love the florals!

  4. Mmmm, that looks so tasty and really refreshing. I love cherries, but do prefer them fresh and whole. I bought myself a cherry stoner, but I have to be careful not to be wearing white or that I care a lot about, when the juice splatters it goes everywhwere, lol. Your patterns are gorgeous. Excellent work. Thank you for your lovely comment on my painted cup :D

  5. That cherry icy looks really good! You sure can find interesting free classes online. What fun! Happy belated T-Day! ;)
